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ask a question (or even two),
or simply invite us to a fancy party via
thanks for your interest,
your Constantly K Team!
model, voice & ideas:
Karin Teigl
photography & ideas:
Georg Teigl
Constantly K // CYK
Karin Teigl
Porzellangasse 45 TOP 7
1090 Wien
This website is edited, provided and maintained by:
Karin Teigl
5020 Salzburg, Austria
Additional Data:
Constantly K // CYK
Karin Teigl
Porzellangasse 45 TOP 7
1090 Wien
Finanzamt Salzburg Stadt
Tax Nr: 194/1185
UID-Nr: ATU69216948
For cooperations and or questions concerning business, please contact our partner:
Object of the online magazine: Provide information and services for the general pubilc in order to inform about fashion, travelling and lifestyle and selected product in that field of business.
Rights: All rights are reserved to the founders of the online magazine Constantly K. Feel free to contact us for further rights of any content created by this platform. In case of usage of third-party content it is labelled as such, including the source.