Wie oft kommuniziert – Als Newsletter-Abonnenten hat man bei uns immer tolle Vorteile! Egal ob Geschenke, Rabatte und wie in diesem Fall einen zeitlichen Vorteil! Denn nur ihr wisst über den Start des Kollektion-Verkaufs früher Bescheid als die anderen! Ihr habt die Möglichkeit morgen schon eine Stunde vorher zu shoppen und Teile zu ergattern!


AM: SO, 26.08.18
AB: 10:00 UHR

Nützt diese Stunde aus und ergattert die limitierten Teile 🙂 . Wir freuen uns schon sehr auf morgen!


Und hier noch ein weiterer Vorteil… Dank Eurer Treue bekommt ihr 10% Rabatt auf euren Einkauf bei uns! Have fun shopping:


Photos by Georg Teigl

CK Summer Collection – Just for You!

I guess, you´ve already seen our first sneak peek of the latest CK collection coming up! So, today we´d like to show you even more:


Summer is fully on and we´re more than happy with this design. The palm trees on front of the cool oversize white T are the eyecatcher of every beach party! 


We decided to go strong with the color for once and chose a strong pink T with the cool white LOVE-print on the back of the shirt. Go wild and combine this oversize shirt with another strong color just as you can see it on the pictures – I chose a red skirt. This is an absolute statement outfit!


This is definitely one of our favorite pieces – the biker shorts are THE MUST HAVE in the fashion industry at the moment.. So we thought, we´d go with the flow and add this piece to our collection. The really really comfy pants has a super cool high-waist cut which makes it great to combine with a basic T and our very own bomber jacket 😉 .


Ok guys, now it´s time to get ready! We´ve decided to add a pre-order option for you guys, so that you´re able to get one or more of those cool pieces. As our stock is very limited, as usual, you should definitely follow us around on IG stories the next couple of days, as I´m gonna introduce you to the pre-order option!!!!

Stay tuned, enjoy your day off and keep on rockin‘ summer! xx K

Photos by Georg Teigl



Karin is the founder and the face of Constantly K. Next to her career as host, she travels the world, visits all fashion weeks and keeps you updated about what´s happening – CONSTANTLY!

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